Selena Gomez Traded In Her Signature Dark Hair for a Platinum Blonde Look
Now *this* is a hair transformation!

Talk about a hair transformation! Selena Gomez looks like a whole new woman with her brand new platinum *blonde* hair! The singer, actress, and entrepreneur showed off her stunning new blonde locks on her Rare Beauty instagram account today, and we almost didn’t recognize her.
Gomez turned to her hair experts Nikki Lee and Riawna Capri, owners of L.A.’s Nine Zero One Salon, for the new look, which was clearly the best idea, because her hair is not only gorgeous but looks extremely healthy for being bleached.
The hairstylists shared in a press release, “We’ve been doing Selena’s color for over a decade now. She typically keeps it pretty natural, but this time she went for a big change. This blonde is unique to her as we had to make sure there was an equal balance of cool and warm for her skin tone. It’s an edgier look and perfect for summer.”
Gomez captioned her selfie with simply “New look,” before adding that she needed to find the right Rare Beauty products to go with the blonde, but we think she’ll manage. We also just love how absolutely casual the photo is—she’s in a slouchy tee clearly just chillin’ with her hair in soft waves. The *epitome* of cool.
Though Gomez is almost always a deep brunette color, she has dabbled in other colors in the past. She rocked a choppy blonde bob back in 2017 for a bit but hasn’t been blonde since. Plenty of her fans commented their excitement on the Instagram photo, and a ton of the comments raved at “Blondlena” being back.
She’s back and she’s clearly ready for a sunny, warm summer with that fresh new hair!