Scientists confirm that sex really does put us in a dream-like state
Turns out “losing yourself in the moment” during sex isn’t just a romantic phrase: It’s science.
A new study suggests the rhythmic nature of getting it on makes people lose self-awareness and control.
This is called “neural entrainment. If the sexual stimulation is intense enough, the study argues, a sustained rhythm spreads through the brain and dulls other senses.
So orgasms really are mind-blowing. The study, published in the journal Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology, compares the rhythm of sex to the meditative effect of pushing someone on a swing (except a lot more fun). It causes neurons in the brain to oscillate at the same frequency.
Lead researcher Adam Safron wants people to stop viewing sex in terms of pleasure only, and start looking at it as a totally different state of mind.
“I suspect that viewing sexuality as a kind of altered state of consciousness could help people to see sex as something extraordinary, potentially helping them to have a greater appreciation for their partners, and possibly even helping to prevent sex from losing its fascination," he told the Huffington Post.
“Focusing on the rhythmic aspects of sexuality could both help people to enjoy sex more and to be more aware of the kinds of lovers that they want to be," he said.
So the next time you and bae want to get freaky, focus less on the destination and more on the journey. Paying more attention to rhythm, Safron argues, will make banging better for the both of you.