School should totally start later. Here’s why.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about when school should start in the morning. More and more people are starting to think that maybe we’re forcing teens out of bed a little too early. As someone who just finished 12-plus years of hitting snooze at 6AM while trying to make it to first period Physics on time, can I just say, le duh.

But now, there’s science to prove it. Last week, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a study that revealed that, in order for students to get enough sleep, school needs to be starting after 8:30 AM, but the average in schools across the country was a bleary-eyed 8:03AM.

Then, earlier this week, The Atlantic posted a piece about this issue. In it, the CDC responded to this study, advising schools to start later lest they risk seriously damaging their students’ health. We’re talking things like obesity, depression and just generally a lower quality of life. This shouldn’t be happening. Isn’t school supposed to be a positive influence on students?

That’s what Tampa Preparatory School thinks, which is why, for the past three years, they pushed their start time back to a whopping 8:50AM, almost two hours later than the other schools in the surrounding counties.

The results? Students, parents, staff and pretty much anyone that you ask says that the move has, without a doubt, improved not just their students’ health, but also their ability to learn. Hayden Murphy, the student body vice president, told WTSP all about the changes:

Moms agree, with Carrie White lauding the fact that they “get to get up when it’s light outside. The kids are getting more sleep. They’re happier.”

With all this media attention, maybe schools will start listening to your pleas of “five more minutes!” come class time. Until then, delegate your time and listen to your body. Your health is always the most important!

(Image via)

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