This 5-year-old girl just saved her blind grandma from a fire

Talk about a pint-sized hero. 5-year-old Cloe Woods, a preschooler at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Louisiana, helped save her blind grandmother’s life this week when the stove in their house caught on fire and set off the smoke alarm early Wednesday morning.

Harnessing the skills she gleaned in a recent school field trip to the local fire department, Cloe hightailed it to her grandmother’s room, sweetly telling her to hang on to her shoulder as she guided her outside of the house.

According to WWLTV News, Cloe’s mother, Shone Arceneaux, was dropping her elder children off at a nearby carpool stop when she returned upon the scene to find Cloe had saved both her grandmother and the family dog.

“She was running and telling the neighbors to call 911, and I said what’s going on. She said the house is on fire, so I jump out of the car and said what?,” Arceneaux said.

Cloe reportedly also asked her neighbors for water to distinguish the fire, a true mini firefighter in the making.

Kenner Fire Department Chief John Hellmers told WWLTV that it was because of Cloe’s keen attention in the fire safety class that she was able to do such a heroic deed.

Though Cloe and her family are currently displaced due to fire damage to their home, Cloe’s school set up a GoFundMe account to help support them as they get back on their feet. Donations can be made here.

(Image via WWLTV News)