A moment of silence for Malia and Sasha’s White House swingset, please

We’ve got a lot of things to mourn (our bodily autonomy, the Obamas LEAVING us, etc.) as the White House changes hands, but something we weren’t expecting to feel so sad over took us by surprise when a guy from CBS News shared a picture of the swingset that was installed for Sasha and Malia when they first moved into the White House. We watched Sasha and Malia Obama grow up over the past eight years, from adorable kids to the brilliant, young women they’ve become, and knowing that this piece of their time at the White House is going to be gone just makes us… ?

We love so much that this playset was positioned outside of the oval office, because it just confirms the impression that President Obama is the best dad around. Like, we kinda knew that, because watching him crack dad jokes left and right and all the adorbs pictures of him interacting with his daughters make it very clear they have a good relationship. But we love the idea that Obama wanted his kids playing somewhere he could step outside and see them. HOW CUTE IS THAT?

Do the Obamas really have to leave? Like, we’d be totally fine if they wanted to leave the playset there for teenage Malia and Sasha to look at nostalgically as they continue to live in the White House forever and ever and ever.

We’re not clingy, we’re loyal. SHUSH.

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