Sarah Paulson went through an “American Horror Story” haunted house and completely lost her sh*t

Would it really be Halloween if Ellen DeGeneres doesn’t use her powers for good, aka, to scare the bejeezus out of unsuspecting celebrities? No. No, it would not. So, this year, when Ellen was set to send her producer Andy Lassner to his annual haunted house freakout, she decided to pair him up with none other than American Horror Story actress Sarah Paulson. Things did not go as planned. Well, actually, considering it’s Ellen, the Haunted House probably went exactly the way she wanted it to.
For Ellen’s Show Me More Show on YouTube, Sarah Paulson went through the American Horror Story maze at Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights, and completely lost her mind.
Ellen doesn’t want to take responsibility for this one, as technically the Paulson-Lassner pairing was a friend’s suggestion. At first, the two spend a minute or so stalling outside of the event. It’s cute enough, but when you realize they’re both actually a little scared, it becomes weirdly hilarious.
“How far into it does it start?” questions Lassner. Oh, if only he knew.
It quickly becomes obvious to Paulson that no amount of roles in Ryan Murphy miniseries could have prepared her for Halloween Horror Nights.
“It never starts right at the beginning,” Lassner reassures her. Fortunately for us, he’s wrong!
Has anything in the world ever been as cute as Paulson screaming politely at haunted house actors? While Ellen’s producer is dropping four-letter words just a few steps into the maze, Paulson’s reactions are the ones worth talking about. “I don’t like you!” she shrieks, “You’re not real!”
Thank you, Ellen. Thank you for this Halloween treat. And yes, producer Andy Lasser; as it turns out, they are doing paintings this year.