Sarah Jessica Parker wants a “Hocus Pocus” and “Sex and the City” sequel and we’re jumping for joy

Be still our beating hearts, Sarah Jessica Parker wants a Hocus Pocus sequel and another Sex and the City movie! Seriously, this is the best news ever.
On Wednesday, Parker revealed that she is definitely on board for a sequel to the Halloween favorite, Hocus Pocus, which came out in 1993, and we are kind of freaking out over here.
"I'm down for both!" the 51-year-old actress exclusively told Entertainment Tonight at the Fast Company Innovation Festival in New York.
Yes you read that right, Parker is all in for not just a Hocus Pocus film, but for another Sex and the City installment, too.
"It would be amazing if we could do both in one year," she added. That would be amazing! Who do we need to talk to in order to make this really happen?
Rumors about a Hocus Pocus sequel — which can only imagine would feature Max in a Peter Pan costume, since he promised Dani he would wear a matching costume, with tights if she went with him and Allison to the Sanderson house, which we all know she did — were reignited after Bette Midler donned her iconic costume from the film, red wig and all, for Halloween.
"[She's] just stirring up trouble! That's all she's [doing]," Parker said when asked about the rumors. It's always been just a bunch of hocus pocus, so trouble we can deal with!
Despite both Midler and Parker’s love of the classic Halloween film, Parker said there are no “substantive” conversations regarding the next film, but that doesn’t mean we are going to lose hope.
There was no follow up conversation about the possible third Sex and the City movie, but now that Parker has said she would like to do another one, all we need are the other three ladies to join forces again and it will be great!