Santa communicating in sign language with this little girl is fully melting our hearts

One of the highlights of being a kid during Christmas time is visiting the man in red himself, Santa Claus. But with all the people, the noise, and the pressure of making sure you ask for the right thing, the visit can also be super stressful. That’s why this clip of Santa helping one little girl get the most out of her time with him is so heartwarming.

The little girl, who is obviously psyched to meet Santa, has some trouble speaking. But Santa isn’t going to let that get in the way of communicating with her! After asking her mom if she can sign, Santa gently taps her on the arm and starts asking questions in sign language. Even with all the hectic activity going on around them, the two were able to have a sweet moment, and she got to give Santa Claus the lowdown ahead of Christmas.

Just when you think Santa can’t get any more magical, he goes and does something like this.

(Image via Youtube)