This clip of Samantha Bee teaching sex-ed to politicians should be required viewing for everyone
The past few weeks have seen several extremely restrictive and scary abortion laws passed in several states. On May 7th, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp approved a law that would ban the procedure at about six weeks into a pregnancy (before many women even know that they’re pregnant), and on May 14th, Alabama passed a law banning almost all abortions—even in cases or rape and incest. Unsurprisingly, ABC News reports that these laws have mainly been introduced in states where men dominate the legislative bodies. So on the May 15th episode of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Samantha Bee gave these politicians a much-needed lesson in sex education.
"The one thing all these bills have in common is that the people writing them have no f*cking idea how the internal reproductive system works," Bee began her "Sex Ed for Senators" segment. "That's why I'm gonna do something that should have been done decades ago. I'm going to teach sex-ed to senators."
Bee went on to debunk several misconceptions about female reproduction and abortion. She explained that there’s no way to tell that you’re pregnant immediately after conception (which some lawmakers seem to think is possible?), and she addressed Ohio Representative John Becker’s dangerous claim that an ectopic pregnancy can be treated by “removing the embryo from the fallopian tube and then reinserting it in the uterus” (it CAN’T).
"You can't reimplant an ectopic pregnancy, you old, tragic Kenneth from 30 Rock," Bee exclaimed. "Becker's ignorance is going to kill people. Ectopic pregnancies are almost never viable. They are very dangerous, and they can't be treated via close-up magic."
She also broke down the term “late-term abortion,” which several politicians on the right (including President Donald Trump) have used to falsely claim that doctors are committing infanticide. And she stressed that, despite some misconceptions, birth control pills and Plan B do not cause abortion.
"Look, these laws are designed to oppress and control and ultimately overturn Roe v. Wade, and if they succeed, they will directly result in death and poverty for women and other vulnerable people," she concluded. "But it is especially f*cked up that the people doing the regulating wouldn't recognize a vulva if it bit them in the face."
We’re grateful to Bee for breaking this all down—because it’s clear that politicians need the help. In the meantime, if you feel strongly about reproductive rights, contact your elected officials or consider donating to Planned Parenthood if you are able.