Salma Hayek got emotional when asked about the Manchester attacks, capturing exactly how so many of us are feeling today

In the wake of the devastating Manchester attack on Monday night, so many of us are at a loss for what to say or how to process what happened. So it’s not surprising that actress Salma Hayek got emotional when asked about the attack yesterday, revealing that Ariana Grande is her daughter’s favorite singer and could have been at the same concert.

Salma was at a loss for words, expressing exactly how many of us feel in the days following such an immense tragedy.

When asked if she had any advice for how young girls and women should feel about the tragedy at a Women in Motion Talk during Cannes yesterday, she said,

"No, because I’m not sure what to feel today, and I’m terrified and I don’t know what to say to my daughter. And I’m not going to pretend that I’m sorted out, that I’m very smart about it, because I’m still emotionally impacted."

She added that Grande is her daughter Valentina’s favorite singer, revealing, “If it was in London, this concert, my daughter would have been in that concert. It’s her favorite singer. My daughter’s 9. She would have been there…with or without me. This is one of the reasons why I have not slept. So do I have a message? No, I haven’t processed it. I’m not going to fake something. I’m opinionated when I know what I’m talking about it. I don’t even know where to begin here.”

We completely understand how Salma feels, because so many of us don’t know how to process such a horrific attack. Having to explain it to a child is even more difficult, because there simply aren’t words to make sense of what happened Monday night.

We thank Salma for her honesty, and for making us all feel less alone in our thoughts and emotions today.