“Sailor Moon”-inspired lingerie exists, so you can fight evil by moonlight in your underwear

Few pop culture characters capture a spirit of fierce vulnerability in the way that Sailor Moon does, and now we can channel all of that powerful moonlit energy while wearing our underwear. Before you run away out of doubt, we’re not talking about your run-of-the-mill pair of cotton underwear with a graphic image of the heroine. This is a Sailor Moon homage specifically designed for grown woman ready to channel the moon prism power, and look good doing it.
The inventive Christina O of Agashi has designed Sailor Moon-inspired lingerie and somehow, these undergarments manage to effortlessly straddle the line of sexy and nostalgic. Bottom line, we want to buy the line for all of our friends. Whether you’ve identify more with Sailor Moon herself, or you consider yourself a plant-fueled Sailor Jupiter, or you’re a dusty purple Sailor Saturn type, the line has a special something for everyone in the gang.
This is a fabulous gift for the fan girl in your life, or a top-shelf way to treat yourself after long and exhausting week. All of the designs hover around $110 to 120 and are unique enough to treasure in your closet for years to come. Or, to treasure in someone else’s closet, if you know what we mean (big wink).
Let’s have a look at some of this lingerie, shall we?
1Ayumi Moon, $110
2Ayumi Neptune, $110
3Ayumi Saturn, $110
4Ayumi Mercury, $110
5Ayumi Mars, $110
6Ayumi Jupiter, $110
7Ayumi Uranus, $110
8Ayumi Venus, $110
All of the styles are available in plus size and multiple sleeve lengths.