Ryan Gosling opened up about the death of his dog George

While we had a feeling that the news was grim, Ryan Gosling finally opened up about his dog, George. For those who follow the actor, you might know George pretty well — but if not, he’s the pup that followed Gosling around on set and during interviews for years. Fans last caught a glimpse of George in photos of Gosling and Eva Mendes taking him to the animal hospital late last year. With no news about the dog since, people expected the worst.

Sadly, they were right. During an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the actor confirmed that George had passed away in December.

Gosling has been seen wearing George’s tags while promoting his new filmBlade Runner 2049. Last weekend, he also wore a shirt with George on it during the closing segment of Saturday Night Live. Thus, DeGeneres had to ask more.


In Gosling’s mind, George was more human than dog.

"It's funny to say dog, because I feel like there was something about George where...he felt like being a dog was beneath him," Gosling said. "He would not do tricks. If you wanted him even to sit down, you had to sort of convince him it was in his best interest."

Based on the way Gosling talked about George, you could tell the two had an incredible amount of love for each other. George was 17 years old when he passed, and according to the actor, he accompanied him on almost every film he’s made.

 But that said, he still managed to crack a smile or two when talking about George’s final year.

"George, as he started to age, started to look like an aging rock star," he joked. "He was sort of skinny fat, and he had big hair and no teeth...open sores, but still sexy."

Losing a pet is never easy, and we’re truly in awe by the very sweet way Gosling chose to honor his best friend.