The Internet has found Russian Leonardo DiCaprio

You know the phrase, “Be careful what you wish for?” Yeah, that totally doesn’t apply when what you’re wishing for is more Leonardo DiCaprio. Who wouldn’t want more Leo? He’s handsome, talented, charming. And soon, he might even be an Oscar winner — fingers crossed.

Apparently someone heard our pleas for more Leo, because there seem to be some Leo sightings happening all over the world. No, seriously — there’s definitely more than one of him. By our count, so far there are three.

A few months ago, the Internet made the amazing discovery of a Leo doppelgänger living in Sweden. The man in question is Konrad Annerud, and seriously, he’s a dead ringer for our main man. Just look at this picture and tell me he’s not ’90s Leonardo DiCaprio, because he totally is.

Well now, the Internet has found ANOTHER Leo look-a-like. A Russian one. 

If Swedish Leo is a throwback to the ’90s, Russian Leo is the actor in 15 years or so. He doesn’t look EXACTLY like Leo, but to quote Maz Kanata: “I have lived long enough to see the same eyes in different people.”

We wonder how many other Leos are out there. And do any of them have Oscars?

(Image via Samir Hussein/ Getty Images)