Running Wild

Honestly, being around really talented people can make you feel two ways, depending on your own personal self-esteem in the moment. It can either make you feel inspired and grateful, or it can make you feel lazy and worthless. Extreme, yo! It’s amazing to be surrounded by people you think are great. That’s the best part of friends, I think: you get to choose them. So why wouldn’t you choose to be friends with people who you think are spending their time doing incredible stuff? You wouldn’t! I would, maybe, but just for like, one week out of the year when I’m really not feeling myself.

Anyway, this post isn’t about me, it’s about my dumb, smart, cool, ambitious, creative friends. A lot of them are a part of this group called The Collectin. And ugh, The Collectin is the coolest. Here’s what they’re all about:

The Collectin is a group of actors, writers, producers and directors who collaborate on films and performances. We strive to tailor every piece we produce toward the strengths of our specific artists.

When I met them, through a friend of a friend sort of situation, they had already finished shooting their first feature film, Running Wild. I met these two girls first, Chloe and Zoe, to talk about their web series and what we could do with them at HelloGiggles (here‘s what we did). I heard about Running Wild and what it was like, I saw a clip or two and a few pictures, I knew the people who worked on it and then I saw the movie and was blown away.

Then I gave some notes; mostly (only) like, the sound needs help! And guess what? I was ON POINT (I went to college for this, honey). But they already knew. They were like, T, we know, we’re not deaf. They need help with sound and some extra stuff in post-production. So they’ve launched this IndieGoGo page in hopes of raising enough money to finish post-production and get this out for other humans to see.

If you want to be a part of a cool group of people like this, now is your chance. There are a bunch of cool ways to not only donate but get involved. So take a look, be amazed, and get on board! You’ll feel REALLY dope about this and ahead of the game, in like, 6 months, I swear!

Here is the Running Wild promo:

And here is the teaser!

You’re in love with all of them, huh?

Me too!

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