Rose McGowan says Trump is hurting our vaginas — in an open letter to Trump

Rose McGowen has emerged as a total feminist badass in the last few years. She’s declared war on sexism in Hollywood, challenges conventional beauty standards, and unapologetically sticks up for her fellow women in the industry.
And now, she’s going after Donald Trump.
McGowen poured out her heart — and her anger— in an open letter to Trump on her Facebook page. She also called out the media outlets that are giving him air time.
She wrote, “After the Republican National Convention I wrote an open letter to a rabid Trump supporter. I realize now the letter was for you, Donald and media men. It’s you I’ve been wanting to talk to. You who have been stressing me and most of the nation out to the point of a diagnosable sickness.”
“Our symptoms are knots in our shoulders, sick feelings in the pit of our vaginas, stomach tightness, shortness of breath, wildly elevated stress levels — we are now chronically experiencing a true mass illness. Caused by you. You all had a hand in this. You must take ownership of this situation.”
She ends by imploring the media to embrace some love and humanity and to take away Trump’s platform (and therefore, his power) by giving him less air time. You can read the full post here.
While we doubt that the media will shut off Trump’s mic anytime soon, we’re so glad people with public platforms of their own like McGowan are speaking up on behalf of love and dignity. It makes everything just a little bit better.
Thank you, Rose!