Rose McGowan challenges beauty standards in her stunning, NSFW music video
We’ve been blown away by Rose McGowan as of late. From calling out Photoshop to Hollywood sexism, McGowan is living her truth in the most thrilling way. Now, McGowan is bringing her boldness back to her art, with the release of the music video for her song “RM486.”
The music video is directed by Jonas Åkerlund (who has done vids for both Madonna and Lady Gaga), a choice that makes sense seconds into this visually out-of-control video. As she sings, McGowan goes through several visual transformations, which, as she revealed in a statement, each represent a different side of her. The “Dark Beauty,” covered in black lace, is an ode to how deeply misunderstood she felt during her goth phase. “Green Hair Hollywood” was inspired by the “agitated glamour” McGowan feels pressure from in the industry. When she is “Needles,” she is on the defense with her porcupine-like quills, and when she’s on the offense she’s “Red Glitter Bomb.” Finally, there’s winged “Art,” which McGowan believes is the strongest and most authentic version of herself.
“All five characters in the video are versions of me,” McGowan said. “All are pieces that make up my whole — an artist, a public figure, and most importantly, as a person. I’m pushing back at the idea of what I am supposed to be. I want to expose people to art in a real way, and I want to change the idea of what beauty is. There is true power in art and true power in we who believe in it.”
We love the message of this video and we love McGowan tackling these big issues with this powerful vid. McGowan sings this song and conveys her message like a dream. Also, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention that this music video is giving us ALL the dance move/Halloween costume goals.
As crazy-amazing as the vid’s visuals are, McGowan, interestingly enough, actually recs just listening to the song first (it really is a great song):
So are we getting more rad jams form McGowan? Oh, yes.
“In the last few years I’ve actually released some songs under different names, just me pranking the public,” McGowan told Nowness. “I woke up one day and realized I hated acting and that I’d always hated it. Imagine, it’s predominantly men whose scripts get done so it was mostly a male voice coming out of my mouth for 15 years.”
Rose McGowan, thanks for motivating us to follow our dreams and be our realest selves.
OK, video time. Check out the NSFW gorgeousness below:
Related reading:
Rose McGowan called out Adam Sandler’s movie for all the right reasons
Rose McGowan is calling out Photoshop like a boss
[Image via YouTube]