A “Rocko’s Modern Life” movie has been greenlit, and our inner child just fist pumped

Nickelodeon in the ’90s was a virtual cartoon oasis, leaving us feeling sorry for kids today who will never know its greatness. Except wait a minute: A few days ago we reported that a Rugrats reboot was on the horizon, and oh hey, now we have good news about Rocko’s Modern Life!

Everyone’s favorite wallaby is finally getting his own movie. It’s a TV movie, but still — it’s a movie!


According to Entertainment Weekly, the movie will be produced and co-directed by Joe Murray, the mastermind behind the original series.

“I’m very happy to be rejoining Rocko and my friends from O-Town again,” Murray said.

So, this is us cartoon geeks right about now.


“What I have found by bringing these characters back is that it’s not so much about nostalgia, but a sense that they still feel relevant and fresh to me, and after 20 years, they can’t wait to comment on modern life in the 21st century. They still have a lot to say,” Murray continued.

In case you were wondering, yes, all your favorite characters will return for the TV movie. We’re getting the tingles just thinking about it. Remember Rocko’s best friends Heffer and Filbert (the most neurotic turtle ever)?! And who could forget Spunky the dog?


So far there’s no news about casting or release dates, but stay tuned. This is happening, and we are ON BOARD for this crazy nostalgic adventure.