This Instagram video of The Rock playing with his baby daughter is making our week

Can you SMMEELLLLLLL what the diaper is cookin’? JK! But seriously, The Rock’s little baby daughter, Jasmine, is giving us all the feels. She’s just so cute and it’s such a sweet juxtapostion to see them together: Her dainty adorable baby-ness against The Rock’s tough exterior (he’s not called “The Rock” for nothin’). The Central Intelligence star, who’s also leading the cast of the new Jumanji reboot set to open next year, clearly has a soft spot and deep love for his newborn baby girl.

In this video posted to his Instagram, Jasmine slaps her daddy’s big head until his face pops up, while the song “O Tiare” by Justin Young, a beautiful Samoan song, plays in the background. The Rock comments that, “[it’s] a song I started singing to her every day since she was one week old.” He also comments that the lyrics of the song translate to, “may God taking loving care of you.” AWWWWW omg, we’re melting.

If you’re overwhelmed with the feels by this point, The Rock, of course, he adds that, “[w]hen Jasime learns to talk, I’m sure she’ll ask me to stop singing.”

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