Robert Pattinson crashed a wedding like it was no big deal

For some reason, celebrities really love to crash weddings and this trend’s latest participant is none other than Robert Pattinson.

Our beloved Cedric Diggory (OK, fine, Edward Cullen to some) was casually having a drink with a friend at Ireland’s Culloden Hotel when the nearby bridal party spotted him. Naturally, his voluminous scruff/baseball cap disguise didn’t fool them and they immediately asked him to take part in their celebration. So… maybe he didn’t exactly crash the wedding. It seems like, instead, the wedding actually crashed him.

Just like the highly anticipated nuptials between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, this one wedding wasn’t complete until Robert Pattinson arrived. “It feels like something is missing,” the bride must have muttered to her maid-of-honor. “I’m not sure what you mean… Everything’s great!” she maybe replied. Then, Pattinson showed up and flawlessly filled in that missing puzzle piece by taking this meaningful event to the next level. That must be how it went, right?

  While maybe the entire thing seemed like a dream, the wedding’s videographer totally captured this unforgettable memory on film. “That moment when Robert Pattison featured in my wedding video. Weirdly Danny from the Script also crashed this same wedding. #rpats #weddingcrasher #robertpattison,” he wrote on Facebook. (He’s just saying that Pattinson looks like Danny from the band The Script. Danny didn’t actually show up, but that would have been one miraculous party if he had!)

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