RIP Internet Explorer. Really.

Nostalgia for the ’90s is literally everywhere right now, but as of today there is an official death in our ’90s tech family. Microsoft is getting rid of one of its signature ’90’s products, and killing off Internet Explorer — the notorious browser of our youth that still gives those pure 1995 feels.

The company confirmed rumors that it would be dropping the Internet Explorer brand and begin using a new name for its next browser release. That brings us simultaneous levels of nostalgia pangs, and realizations that we haven’t actually used Internet Explored in many, many moons.

“We’re now researching what the new brand, or the new name, for our browser should be in Windows 10,” marketing chief Chris Capossela said at Microsoft Convergence on Monday, The Verge reports. “We’ll continue to have Internet Explorer, but we’ll also have a new browser, which is codenamed Project Spartan..”

Translation to that is that Internet Explorer isn’t going to go away immediately. It will still be around in some version of the new Windows operating system, Windows 10, but the new browser will be the default way for users to access the web. Which means, if you want to use Internet Explorer you’ll have to make a really conscious effort to do so.

BTW ICYMI, Internet Explorer has been stigmatized in the computing world for years, for being buggy and prone to hacks. A lot of people also just think it’s not quite sleek enough.

The new browser will be faster and have a user experience more similar to Google Chrome, Firefox, and other competitors. Do you think we should send in some name suggestions for Project Spartan? Code Giggles? GigglyGo? GoGoGiggles?

We’ll do some brainstorming.