Richard Shelby, Alabama’s other Republican Senator, says he’s “relieved” Roy Moore lost

In the wake of the Alabama special election, people all over the country are ecstatic that Democrat Doug Jones won the Senate spot over Republican candidate and accused sexual assaulter Roy Moore. In fact, even Alabama’s other Republican Senator, Richard Shelby was “relieved” Moore lost.

In usual circumstances, you’d assume that a member of the Republican party would want a fellow Republican to win. But not this time. When speaking with reporters, Shelby said,

"Relieved? Yes that's a good word. I'm relieved and I believe a lot of Republicans are relieved that Roy Moore and some of his people aren't the face of the Republican party."

Shelby went on to say that he felt voters “chose principle over politics.” He also referred to Moore as someone who could have been “radioactive” and “controversial” for the Republican party.

Shelby — a former Democrat — never supported Moore, even when other members of the GOP did. Before the election, Shelby said that, “the state of Alabama deserves better” than Moore. He also admitted that he did not vote for Moore — though he did not confirm or deny voting for Democratic candidate Jones. He did, however, encourage write-in ballots, in which citizens vote for people who are not technically on the ticket.

Moore has yet to concede defeat and is still pushing for a recount, but it’s doubtful that will happen — especially considering the fact that important members of the Republican party refuse to offer their support.

We’ll be keeping an eye on the situation as it unfolds, though it’s looking increasingly likely that the results of the December 12th election are final.

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