This rescue dog hugging its new human is the most heartbreaking and wonderful thing you’ve ever seen

Life goes so much smoother when you’re armed with an arsenal of super sweet animal photos, and we just so happen to be in possession of one particular pic that will send your feels into overdrive. By our estimation, this rescue dog hugging its new human is the most heartbreaking, wonderful thing you’ve ever seen, and we’re willing to bet you will melt when you see it.

So, there’s actually a scientific reason why we really shouldn’t hug dogs, but we don’t even want to imagine what type of monster would reject a dog’s hug (AKA the best embrace you’ll ever receive).

via giphy

While there are many dog-obsessed people who will back up that claim, we are beyond certain that we can count on Kayla Filoon, who recently adopted a Pit Bull named Russ from Philadelphia’s Animal Care and Control Team. Judging by the photo Filoon’s aunt Jamie Holt shared on Facebook, Russ is super grateful to have a new home and a caring new owner.

And all he wants to do is snuggle with her and show her why National Hugging Day should be all day, every day:

Filoon told that she met Russ as a shelter volunteer, and the two became fast friends. “He would not stop cuddling with me,” she said. “I fell in love.”

After recovering from a bout with kennel cough, itchy skin, and an eye infection, Russ’ health has improved, and over the past month, he’s settled right in with Filoon, who describes their bond as “incredible.”

SIGHS. Reason 1,000,0001 why we have such a huge soft spot for shelter dogs.