According to a study, Republicans and Democrats go opposite ways on fashion

There’s no question that the 2016 Presidential election is constantly on the forefront of everyone’s minds. Not only is it considered to be one of the most important elections of our time for both Republicans and Democrats, but there are more news sources than ever covering it.

Just think about all the websites and social media platforms that didn’t exist just years ago. So it makes sense that we’re being bombarded with coverage.

The Democratic and Republican parties are generally pretty split down the middle when it comes who they’ll vote for. But to lighten things up a bit, The Guardian decided to put together a survey to find out if Democrats and Republicans are just as divided when it comes to fashion.


With the help of market research firm YouGov, over 200,000 Americans were surveyed. The findings show that millennials who identify as Democrats are more interested in fashion than Republican millennials. They’re also more diverse in the way the dress and spend more money on clothes.

Young Democrats are more likely to say they “follow the latest trends and fashion” while young Republicans s are more likely to say they “tend to stick to classic items that are timeless rather than go for whatever is ‘in-fashion,’” according to The Guardian.

So what does this mean for the closets of conservatives?

According to the data, their closets are filled with Brooks Brothers, LL Bean, Clarks, Ralph Lauren, Tory Burch and Hermès. They’re also into less expensive labels like Wet Seal and Walmart-brand Faded Glory.

People more on the liberal side are likely to wear contemporary clothing brands like American Apparel, H&M, Uniqlo, Vans and Hot Topic.

And what does this mean in general?

“People’s core values are often reflected in the brands that they wear," according to Ted Marzilli, CEO of BrandIndex at YouGov. "For example, Uniqlo is known for being collaborative and relaxed – classic but a little edgy. Brooks Brothers by contrast is more traditional and appeals to those who associate themselves with upper-middle-class America and American heritage.

And for those people who have a mixture of ALL the brands in their closets? Maybe they’re undecided voters. Or they just like, you know, wear whatever they’re in the mood for.

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