Khloe Kardashian is here to shut down anyone who thinks the Paris robbery was Kim’s fault

When Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in her Paris hotel room, many were quick to imply that the robbery was a consequence of the Kardashian brand of living very publically. Up until the robbery, Kim was constantly posting on her various social media platforms so most fans almost always knew exactly what she and her sisters were up to.
This was brought up on the Today show, when Natalie Morales interviewed Khloe Kardashian about her new show, Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian. When Morales speculated that the robbery was a “wake-up call” for the Kardashians and their public life, Khloe was quick to shut her down.
Check out the full segment below:
Khloe said,
"No, I don’t believe that because people show their lives more, that they deserve, or should have consequences like getting robbed."
– Khloe
While it’s something we all know, it’s important to reiterate that what happened to Kim in October was NOT her fault. It’s unfortunate that months later, Kim should be blamed for this awful event. While we don’t think Morales ~meant~ to come across as victim-blaming, she still implied that Kim was at fault. So far, over a dozen people have been arrested for the crime, with a half dozen being charged.
While Kim took a three-month hiatus from all social media, it appears she’s easing back into her old social media usage, posting photos of her kids on Instagram, talking to fans on Twitter, and even posting snaps to Snapchat.
In a post on her website, Khloe opened up about her New Year resolutions for her sisters, saying that she redefining her priorities in 2017. She wrote,
“I think with everything that has happened in Kim’s life this year, she has really had to redefine her priorities. Time does heal and I think she’s in a much better place now. So I just want her to focus on her family and her own happiness this year.
– Kim
Ultimately, we’re so happy to see Khloe standing up for her sister and we love that these girls always have each other’s backs.