This reporter lost his mind on the new “Guardians of the Galaxy” ride

Guardians of the Galaxy has arrived at Disneyland. One lucky (and brave) reporter got to try the new Guardians of the Galaxy ride and totally lost it. And there’s video to prove it!
Cory James, who works as a reporter for an ABC News affiliate in Fresno, CA, was picked to preview Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: Breakout!
The ride, of course, took the place of the former Tower of Terror ride.
James has never been to Disneyland and therefore didn’t know what to expect. “I’m not from California, so this is my first time at Disneyland and in my mind, I always thought, you know, Disneyland is a place for kids under 10 years of age,” he explained in an interview with Good Morning America on Saturday.
So when James went live on air, he wasn’t really prepared for what was go come. He screams pretty much the ENTIRE time. He was not alone on the ride, and the people sitting around him had already ridden the ride at least a dozen times! Cory James on the other hand, is clearly a total novice, and it is equal parts hilarious and sweet. “It was like an out of the body experience. I really was not expecting it. I didn’t know it would be going that fast. Once I felt it and my stomach collapsed, I just kind of lost my mind, as you saw.” he confessed.
Cory James was a super good sport about the whole thing.
Some reporters probably wouldn’t even get on, let alone go live during the experience. There are at least two points where the poor thing looks like he’s going to pass out. You can’t help but join Cory’s news anchors as they chuckle at his screams. It takes a very brave person to do that on live television!
The ride, which officially opened on Saturday has been a fan favorite, with wait times hovering around 4 HOURS!!! Seriously though, who wouldn’t want to fight crime alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy crew, right?? Hopefully, the ride is around for a long time so we all can ride it!