Rejoice! ‘You’re The Worst’ Season 3 starts today! Here’s what to expect

You’re the Worst Season 3 returns tonight and I am soooo ready to laugh cry at Gretchen and Jimmy’s intoxicating yet endearing relationship. It’s been a long year.

Season Two left off with a surprise ending that could melt the coldest of hearts. The couple (sort of) admitted to loving each other. Jimmy said the L-word when he was black-out drunk and Gretchen returned the sentiment after he sobered up. false

In typical YTW fashion, Season Three picks up moments after the couple’s romantic confessions to realistically address the fallout of two cynical individuals admitting strong feelings for one another. At the Television Critics Association’s winter press tour, the show’s creator, Stephen Falk, elaborated, “Rather than a couple weeks later, I thought it’d be interesting to start with ‘I love you’ and see what happens when they walk right back into the house.”

The blogosphere has been raving about the new season, claiming it’s the show’s best. Somehow, the series managed to go further into madness than possibly imagined and succeed. Here are a few things I’ve read that we can expect to see this season.

Sharp Writing

This one is a given. While the actors of the show are phenomenal, it would be hard for the show to be so successful without its poignant and acerbic writing.

Lindsay (Kether Donohue)

By far my fav. I could watch Donohue as Lindsay 24/7. Her comedic timing is a gift from the gods we don’t deserve. Apparently, her character does something really twisted at the end of the first episode. How you beat stealing a man’s sperm, freezing it, and eventually inseminating yourself with it is beyond me.

More Romantic false

Pretty much every review I’ve read mentioned this season is filled with romance. Not your typical type of romance of course, but YTW’s brand of romance that is refreshing and arguably closer to reality than most television shows. Gretchen and Jimmy can’t help but love each other, even though they are fully aware of the risk it entails.

Deeper dive into depression

Season Two centered around Gretchen’s clinical depression. In Season Three, we see her feeling better and going to therapy. It seems like Gretchen is the only character who is semi-happy. Jimmy, Edgar, and Lindsay all have somber storylines that force them to confront the darkest parts of themselves.

Gretchen and Lindsay

More #Friendshipgoals

Improv false

OK, so no one really talked about improv in the third season cause they probably don’t care but since Edgar is still dating his improv teacher Dorothy, we can assume more improv scenes will grace the show. As a student and lover of the comedic art form, there are few things I love more than seeing how ridiculous improv seems to the outside world.