Reese’s released their peanut butter Halloween candy, and it’s driving us batty

Something ghoulishly good is coming to a Target near you. We’ll give you a few hints as to what it could be: it’s peanut-buttery, it’s milk-chocolaty, and it’s driving us batty. We’re talking about none other than the new Reese’s Bats Halloween candy, of course.
Reese’s released their peanut butter bats exclusively to Target, so hop on your broom and get over there ASAP. Similar to the Reese’s Pumpkins, Christmas Trees, and Eggs, the bats are made with the same simple Reese’s peanut butter and chocolate we love.
But the new spooky shape is what’s really getting us. Just look at how creepy-cute they are!
Perhaps Reese’s was inspired to simplify Halloween for those of us who DIY-ed our own chocolate/peanut butter bats during previous Halloween seasons. And although we greatly appreciate the gesture, we’ll probably still make these adorable little treats with the classic Reese’s cups.
Like we always say will start saying, one can never have too many different versions of Reese’s Bats around the house.
According to, Reese’s Bats aren’t the only Halloween candy exclusively being sold at Target this season. M&M’s Cookies & Screeem, Reese’s Spooky Miniatures, and Dove Milk Chocolate & Caramel Witches Mix are also haunting the Target candy aisle.
However, we’re anything but scared of these guys.
Our trick-or-treaters are lucking out this year because we’re stocking up with enough to get us through the holiday/rest of the year. Bring on the PSLs, the chilly air, and all the Reese’s Bats you can muster. We’re ready for them all!