Reese Witherspoon’s Oprah impression is pretty spot-on

The 2018 Golden Globes were a celebration of Hollywood talent, activist groups new and old, and strong and powerful women — like none other than Oprah Winfrey. Oprah was awarded the Cecil B. DeMille award, making her the first black woman to receive it. And she brought the house down with her empowering acceptance speech. If that weren’t amazing enough, we were also treated to — and granted, this is delightful in a totally different (read: silly) way — a spot-on Oprah impression from Reese Witherspoon.

Reese Witherspoon, who costars with Oprah in Ava DuVernay’s upcoming A Wrinkle in Time, introduced the award. After the ceremony, she spoke to press and they wanted to know if she could do an impression of Oprah. Variety captured the improvised moment, and it is adorable. Reese was so surprised! “Can I do an Oprah impression?” she asks.

Oh, but then she busts out an absolutely great one.

"You get a Golden Globe!" Reese laughs, "And you get a Golden Globe, and you get a Golden Globe!"

Let’s be real: If Oprah were a presenter, that’s absolutely what would happen.

Reese Witherspoon’s Oprah impression is so spot-on, it cracks up Zoe Kravitz too.

Possibly the cutest moment of the whole thing? Her Big Little Lies co-star laughing at it and clapping as she drops the mic. Also, the Oprah impression is definitely something Reese should bring to the set of Big Little Lies Season 2. Can you imagine the Instagram stories she’ll post? Let’s get Laura Dern and Nicole Kidman to do one, too. And definitely Zoe Kravitz.

Honestly, is there anything Reese Witherspoon or Oprah can’t do?