Reese Witherspoon posted a time capsule picture with Selma Blair, and now we need to watch Cruel Intentions again

In honor of throwback Thursday, on July 11th, Reese Witherspoon posted a photo of her and Selma Blair hanging out in 1999. It’s an iconic picture featuring two iconic ladies from an iconic time in history. And yes, we’re planning to add this photo to our own time capsule.
“Look what I found in a buried time capsule labeled ‘1999’” Witherspoon captioned her Instagram post. “@selmablair and I share so many great memories together, from #cruelintentions to #legallyblonde she’s always kept me laughing! #tbt”
Witherspoon and Blair saw a lot of each other between 1999 and 2001. They co-starred in 1999’s Cruel Intentions as well as 2001’s Legally Blonde. And Blair is hoping to work together again soon.
“Give me a spot in a doorway of #biglittlelies,” she commented on Witherspoon’s post. “No pressure. Just something great!! In the background. Just putting it out there buhbye.” Is there somewhere we can add our signature to this petition? A Selma Blair Big Little Lies cameo would be epic.
Blair added, on a less jokey note, “I love this. I would love to see you soon. You are such a driven force of power and it has changed me for the better. I always ? you. Thanks for all the weekend food. Now I need some Draper James,” she added referring to Witherspoon’s clothing line.
"I named my walker #sunny," Blair, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis earlier this year, wrote. "Reminded me of your southern charm."
Blair incidentally shared the same photo in December 2017, honoring Witherspoon as her #WomanCrushWednesday. “Extraordinary @reesewitherspoon who was a mentor and inspiration to me when I started out,” Blair captioned her post.
“She is one of the first women to have parlayed her incredible acting career into a formidable producing presence,” she continued. “True grit. Beauty. Belief in herself and the strength of other women.” Blair even gave their Cruel Intentions costar Sarah Michelle Gellar a little shoutout. (Can we add Gellar to the potential Big Little Lies cameo list?)
This celeb friendship is one of the best ones around. And, Reese, if you can work your magic to get Selma Blair onto BLL, we’d be forever grateful.