We are all about this #RedefineWomen campaign

How can women continue to make progress and fight against systematic sexism when the very words we use have biased definitions? Georgia Patch and Kiah Nicholas, two women behind the #RedefineWomen campaign, noticed that the example sentences Google provides have an obvious flaw to them. They are unfairly sexist.

The movement’s Instagram page is filled with such examples. It’s honestly very easy to miss. That’s exactly what makes systematic injustice so hard to irradiate. It has seeped so deep into people’s subconscious that they just look past it. Luckily, Georgia Patch and Kiah Nicholas aren’t keeping quiet.

Language is obviously important. It has the ability to shape opinion. So if the words that we use are placed in a biased context right off the bat, how can we attempt to change opinions?

Really Google? Shopping is daily chore for women? Oh, boy.

We’ve looked up some of these words on Google and it seems like the movement is actually working because the definitions for some of them are a lot more neutral now. Hopefully this trend continues. After all, this is a definition that everyone has access to and has the power to influence a lot of minds.

With kids using the internet for most of their school work these days, it’s important that they get an unbiased association of language.

Women should not be the first example they think of when defining words like shrill, promiscuous and nagging.

Here’s to the #redefinewomen campaign and the great work they’re doing.

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