If famous movies were missing one letter, they’d be even more amazing

You know those hashtag games like #ChangeOneLetter, #NYCin3words, and our very own #SoTheresThat? They always make me laugh, probably more than they should. I’m constantly amazed at everyone’s creativity, and it’s oddly satisfying to play along. Recently, an illustrator named Austin Light took these simple Internet games to the next level with a series of illustrations inspired by a Reddit thread, and the results were hilarious.

Reddit users were asked to “Pick a movie, remove one letter, give a brief description.” Light did just that—and more. Every day for 31 days he chose a movie title, dropped a letter, drew a scene and provided a quick plot summary for each. Check out some of our favorites below, and see the whole series here!

Jurassic Par

Harry Otter

Pup Fiction

Pollo 13

Beauty and the Beat

Ron Man


Lord of the Rigs

(Images via.)

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