Rebecca Hall is donating her salary from Woody Allen’s move to Time’s Up
There has been a lot of dialogue around sexual harassment, assault, abuse, and misconduct in Hollywood as of late. While major stars like Kevin Spacey have been cut and recast in movies because of sexual misconduct allegations, others aren’t held to the same standards and remain untouched.
One of the biggest acts of hypocrisy in Hollywood right now is the ignorance surrounding Woody Allen. For years and years, basically since the beginning of his career, Allen has behaved inappropriately. Dylan Farrow has long accused her adoptive father of sexually abusing her as a child. And now, people are finally listening — and doing something about it. One of those people is Rebecca Hall.
Farrow has worked tirelessly to call out celebrities like Justin Timberlake who protest sexual misconduct but have no problem working with Allen. Especially these days, when many are taking a stand about sexual misconduct in Hollywood. It’s hard for some to equate their idols with the same gross behavior that Hollywood has hidden for so long. But Allen has behaved badly, and it’s time everyone started to acknowledge that.
Rebecca Hall is taking it one step further. She’s donating her salary from Woody Allen to Time’s Up.
The Time’s Up initiative is working to end sexual harassment, abuse, marginalization, and underrepresentation in Hollywood and across all industries. Rebecca Hall apologized for working with Allen. She appears in his 2008 film Vicky Cristina Barcelona and his upcoming A Rainy Day in New York.
On Friday, January 12th, Rebecca Hall announced that 100 percent of her wages will go to Time’s Up.
There are many in Hollywood who claim to support Time’s Up, yet still willingly work with Allen.
Moving forward, we hope to see more action from big names. It’s hard to come to the realization that your actions may be hypocritical and hurtful. But it’s never too late. Everyone can look to Rebecca Hall’s words and actions as an example of what to do moving forward.