7 reasons you shouldn’t hesitate to incorporate sex toys into your relationship
There comes a point in every relationship where the sex just isn’t what it used to be. That doesn’t necessarily mean that, in every relationship, the sex eventually gets shitty. But even with the best chemistry and the most diligent work at keeping things awesome, familiarity can breed staleness. It happens. Instead of blaming yourselves or waiting on a miraculous solution, why not incorporate sex toys into your relationship? Hey, it’s one idea, and it’s not a terrible one.
Believe us, we’ve heard all about why people don’t love about using sex toys. Admittedly, some of them can be kind of noisy, not to mention the very common misconception that a vibrator is a substitute for a human partner, which is just…no. Honestly, that couldn’t be further from the truth for anyone who owns and regularly operates a sex toy.
To put it plainly, there’s absolutely no comparing a wearable massager, a vibrator, or a Pokémon sex toy to the real deal, no matter how effective they are at getting you to the finish line.
However, you definitely should not sleep on using toys during intimate moments, unless you want to miss out on the chance to take your sex life to the next level.
1 The Big O is more achievable.
There’s a reason why sex toys are considered one of the main ways to boost a woman’s chances of orgasm during intercourse. It’s common knowledge that many women cannot climax easily, which could lead to frustration and overall dissatisfaction with their sex lives. Only 10 percent of women orgasm easily. Meanwhile, sex toys provide a simple, straightforward a way to get off.
2 Toys make sex more interesting.
You and your partner are bummed because boredom has overtaken your bed. Sparks don’t fly; they just fizzle out before either of you can get anything poppin’. Adding a sex toy to the mix can make things more exciting, enjoyable and beneficial (See: more orgasms).
3 Sex toys can help reduce pain during intercourse.
There are numerous reasons why sex might hurt, many of which involve medical issues that should definitely be addressed with your doctor. But if anxiety is behind the pain you’re experiencing during the act, sex toys are considered a legitimate treatment for pain during intercourse, mostly because they help you relax.
4There’s less pressure on your and your partner to do all the work.
In the event that your partner can’t get quite find the perfect position that hits all the right spots, there’s no reason to throw in the towel and give up on satisfying sex when you can incorporate a sex toy to pick up some of the slack.
5Certain toys can help sex last longer.
When it comes to sex toys, ladies aren’t the only ones who can benefit. For example, if your man’s in the mood for marathon sex but doesn’t think he’ll be able to last, you could both wind up feeling helpless and unsatisfied. Fortunately, there are a various sex toys specifically designed to help men, including ones that simulate oral sex and others that help your guy hold off on reaching an orgasm. Longer, lustier romps FTW.
6Improved communication.
Using a sex toy doesn’t mean it does all the work while you lie there waiting on magic to happen. You and your partner have to communicate about what feels good and what doesn’t, which toys work and which ones don’t, and so on. Being open about your needs in the bedroom can lead to you being more comfortable broaching other topics about your relationship.
7 Sex toys can lead to more sex.
If you’re experiencing mind-blowing sex on the regular, why wouldn’t you want more of it? A sex toy study conducted by researcher Debby Herbenick found that sex toys tend to enhance in sex.
Of the 2,000 women who volunteered information about their vibrator use, the study highlighted a trend:
"Importantly, as compared to women who had never used a vibrator or who hadn't used one recently, women who used vibrators within the past month reported higher levels of sexual desire, sexual arousal, and lubrication. They also had less pain during sex and more orgasms," the article notes.
In the end, get down how you like it, but when it comes to using a sex toy in the bed, don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it.