13 reasons Brad and Jane from “Happy Endings” are the best married couple ever

Happy Endings has been officially off the air for three years, and we’re still not over it. We were so happy that Hulu picked it up, so we can watch every episode of this hilarious show again, and we noticed something while we re-watched. Brad and Jane, played by Damon Wayans Jr. and Eliza Coupe, are basically the best married couple ever. They’re a modern couple with jobs, and they still like and hang out with each other, which is so refreshing after seeing so many couples on TV that hate each other. They are basically the awesomest, and here’s why!
1. They’re not afraid to let their freak flag fly.
2. They’re adorable together.
3. They totally don’t hold grudges. They invite them to dinner.
4. They know how to protect one another.
5. They’ve been together so long, they have a secret language.
6. They have got their shit together.
7. They’re not afraid to take each other down a peg.
8. They’re set in their ways, and they like it that way.
9. They know how to celebrate good news.
10. They’re totally awesome at role playing.
11. They support each other’s weird hobbies.
12. Sometimes even they forget who they’re talking to.