The sweet reason this photo of two boys playing together is going viral

Last week, a mom posted a picture of her 18-month-old son and another boy playing at a museum. Doesn’t sound all too remarkable, does it? But for the mom, Katie Myers of West Palm Beach, Florida, that moment meant the entire world.

Almost a year ago, Myers’s son, Kaden, was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which weakens his muscles over time and has bound him to a wheelchair. Because he’s unable to walk, she often brings him to the South Florida Science Center and Aquarium nearby so he can play. “At home he doesn’t have much room to explore, so we’re there almost every day because, to Kaden, it’s like his playground,” Myers told ABC. “It’s big and has smooth, concrete floors. It’s his own, accessible little paradise. “We’re there all the time, but we’ve never had an experience like this.”

On Thursday, Myers and her sister brought Kaden to the museum for playtime, when she noticed a boy a couple years older  playing with Kaden. She posted a picture of the two of them on Kaden’s Facebook page, Kaden’s Cure For Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and explained the moment in absolutely gorgeous words. “To the little boy at the science museum, I don’t know who you are, but thank you for being amazing,” she wrote in the caption. “You let my son play and engage with you. You helped him pick up balls from the floor when you saw that he could not. You didn’t ask what was wrong with him or why he couldn’t walk, you just saw him.”

“Kaden is a lot like you, [sic] he is very curious and wildly smart,” she continued. “He wants to know how everything works. Thank you for helping him turn the lever when you noticed he was too weak to do it himself. You will probably never see this but just by being you, you make this world better.”

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