The real “Up” house might be torn down. Sob!

In 2006, Edith Macefield of Seattle became famous when she refused a one million dollar offer to sell her house. She told the real estate developers that she would not sell her house for any amount of money, and so those developers ended up building around her house.

If you’re thinking “That sounds a LOT like the beginning of up, minus the balloons and South America,” that’s what Pixar, who was developing “Up” at the time, thought too. The house was dubbed “the real-life ‘Up’ house” and, though Macefield passed away in 2008 and did not live to see the Pixar movie that in 2009, when “Up” came out, Disney placed balloons outside the house in honor of their real-life counterpart.

Now it looks like the real-life “Up” house is in trouble. Macefield left her house to construction superintendent Barry Martin, who sold the house, and now, as Reuters reports, the house is in foreclosure. It’s not attracting any bidders (the initial bid was set at $216,270.70) and if nobody bites, the house will be taken by the bank and could be torn down.

On Friday, 117 people left balloons at the house in support. Maybe if enough people leave balloons, we can get the house to Paradise Falls? A girl can dream…

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