No big deal, but remember when Golden Globe-winner Rami Malek was on Gilmore Girls?

Super fans of Gilmore Girls will recall a time in Season 4 when Lane Kim attended Seventh-day Adventist college for a brief period after her boyfriend Dave left her to attend school in California. During her college stint, Lane hosted a bible study group at her home in Stars Hollow where we met a one-off character named Andy who seemed singularly interested in hiring Assistant Pastor Eric for a school function. That Eric-loving young gent? One Rami Malek, star of Bohemian Rhapsody and recent Golden Globe winner.

Doesn’t ring a bell? Here, perhaps this will jog your memory:

He really nailed it.

Small as the role may seem, Malek told Glamour in an interview last year that the GG role was his first major part, and it paved the way for his career today.

“It was an opportunity that gave me a stepping stone to get that next job,” he said. “[Booking that part] let me feel like this career was not insurmountable.”

He also said that booking the job gave him the chance to join the Screen Actors Guild, the union that represents pretty much everyone on-screen in Hollywood, but the fee to join took him ages to pay off on his table-bussing pay check. “I [had to] pay a fee, which took me a very long time to do. I think it was $2,000, and it took me forever to pay that off,” he told the mag.

From there, he booked roles in projects like Mr. Robot and A Night at the Museum, and now he’s freaking Freddie Mercury—all thanks to Assistant Pastor Eric. Talk about Copper Boom.

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