These over the top rainbow foods take tasting the rainbow to the extreme

When we were kids, the biggest “it” rainbow item was whatever Lisa Frank pencil or trapper keeper had made it to market. Today, rainbows are everywhere. Theres rainbow hair (aka, mermaid hair) and now rainbow food — giving that phrase “taste the rainbow” a whole new (non-Skittles-related) meaning!
Below are some of the most delicious rainbow-related food items seen on Twitter and Instagram!
If you didn’t think a grilled cheese could get more magical, think again:
Who didn’t love to tie-dye as a child? Well now your bagels can look mod, too!
As most former baristas know, latte art can be difficult to create. So we have absolutely no clue how some artistic genius managed to make rainbow latte art — but we know we want to try it!
This psychedelic pizza would make more than the Ninja Turtles show “Cowabunga!”
Rainbow fudge? As if we need another reason to eat chocolate.
We wants it… we wants it now. (Plus– sprinkles!)
A much less “fishy” meaning to the phrase “rainbow roll.”
Rainbow cheesecake! Just look at that marbling!