Shhh! This UK salon now has a quiet chair for us introverts.

Sometimes a trip to the salon is just what the doctor ordered. However, as much as you’re looking forward to your updated haircut, there are times when you really don’t want to go through the dreaded small-talk with a hairdresser. We definitely do NOT mean this as a slight against hairdressers, we just totally get that sometimes you need to sit silently in a chair.

For real, there are times of life when the hour or two you spend at the salon is your only “me” time for the day or even the week. Other times, your salon appt. happens to coincide with one of those bad days when you just don’t want to talk to anyone. You can’t exactly throw on a hoodie and earphones at the hair salon. On the other hand, straight up asking someone not to talk to you is pretty rude, especially when the relationship is as intimate as the one with a hairdresser. Trust us, you definitely don’t want to insult someone who has a pair of scissors up to you hair.

Well, one salon has come up with an interesting solution. Bauhaus, a UK-based Aveda salon, has introduced what they call the quiet chair, and no, it’s not a timeout chair for fussy clients. The quiet chair is one for clients who don’t feel like engaging all that much while getting their service.

Owner Scott Miller said the quiet chair allows clients to “turn off” in an age where it’s increasingly difficult to do so. “Our team is full of brilliant conversationalists, it’s an important part of being a hair stylist, and most of our customers love coming in to have a chat. But at the same time, we understand people lead busy lives where they may have been communicating with people all day and want some relief,” he said to Wales Online.

“A trip to the hair salon is supposed to be relaxing, and while for some people that means catching up on what’s been going on in their lives, not everybody is comfortable with small talk. We wanted to take the embarrassment away, and for customers to know we won’t be offended if they don’t want to do the small talk often associated with visiting the hair salon.”

It remains to be seen whether or not this new etiquette will make its way to stateside salons. However, if you’re really not up for small talk, there is protocol currently followed. Allure spoke with Matt Fugate, a stylist at Sally Hershberger Downtown salon in New York City, who said that when he was trained, he learned something called FORM. “It means Family, Occupation, Recreation, Message. ‘Message’ means ‘Get the message; your client doesn’t want to talk to you!’”

A quiet chair, huh? We’re kind of into that.

Image via Facebook

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