10 questions to ask your dad before you turn 25

It’s safe to say that 25 is the point at which many of us feel we’ve truly entered adulthood. You’re not living with your mom or dad anymore, you’re into the start of your career, and you’re more independent than ever — it’s really the ideal time to learn more about yourself, and where you’ve come from.
So with Father’s Day right around the corner, we put together this list of questions to ask your dad before you turn 25.
Our parents have a lot of wisdom, not only about the world — it comes with age — but about us, our true selves, and how we build relationships with others. Learning about yourself is an important part of growing up, and your dad can be a great resource for self-discovery.
Asking your dad these questions may also bring you closer together, and that’s never a bad thing.
So this Father’s Day (June 18th!) sit down with your pops and have a bonding sesh. It’s a gift to both of you.
1What do you want most for me in life?
Your dad’s answer may surprise you — it could be career or financial success, creative fulfillment, even lasting love, marriage, or children. Ask this one with an open mind, and follow up with another question: “Why?”
2What’s your favorite book?
Picking up a copy of your dad’s fave will help you to learn more about his tastes, especially if you find out why he liked the book so much, and what kind of an impression it left on him. Perhaps it will influence you, too!
3How am I like you?
Your dad’s answer to this question will probably warm your heart, even if he says you have his boisterous sneeze or his penchant for leaving socks lying around the house.
4How am I not like you?
Perhaps there are qualities you have that your dad admires about you, or behaviors you showed growing up that surprised him. This one’s a window into your true self.
5What do you want our relationship to be like now that I’m an adult?
A big, and very important, question. You’re almost 25 — definitely early adulthood — and your relationship with your parents will start to change. Talking about this transition will make it easier on everyone involved.
6Are there experiences you wish we could share?
Maybe your dad has always wanted to take you camping, or shopping for your wedding dress, or to show you a particular movie he loved in childhood. Ask him if there are experiences he wants to share, and then take him up on at least one.
7Can you teach me how to ________?
Whether it’s fixing a drain, sewing a torn shirt, or painting a portrait or a living room wall, now’s the time to ask your dad to share his special skills.
8What have you always wanted to tell me, but didn’t think I could handle?
This question will be tough for your dad — there’s a reason he’s never shared these things. But you’re grown now, and you can handle it.
9What were you doing at my age?
Your dad’s answer may motivate you to work harder, ease your fears about what you’re “supposed to be doing” at 25, or reveal something hilarious or heartwarming about pops.
10Have you ever been fired or quit a job without a backup plan? What did you do?
Keep your dad’s answer in your back pocket in case you ever find yourself in this situation. His experience may help guide you through a turbulent time.