Queen Elizabeth drinks champagne before bed every night (even her nightcaps are royal, guys)

Not that we’re in the habit of keeping tabs on anyone’s alcohol intake, but did you know Queen Elizabeth drinks champagne before bed every night? Yes, even her nightcaps are royal. As the longest reigning monarch in history, she damn sure deserves a sip of something stiff after a hard day’s work. So, live your life, Your Majesty. Who are we to judge if you want to treat every night like a glam New Year’s Eve?

There’s a bit of confusion surrounding the details of a 2013 study that touts the health benefits of drinking champagne (the nice sensation of bubbles tickling your nose wasn’t included but totally should’ve been), but if it’s fit for a queen, then it must be beneficial for the masses, no?

via giphy

We can only aspire to be on the level of royalty in which you go around receiving 90,000 desserts as a birthday gift, but we can totally make room in our budgets for a nightly glass of champs. As Delish reports, Margaret Rhodes — a cousin of the queen — revealed Her Highness’ preferred nightcap, which follows her daily lunchtime gin and Dubonnet on the rocks with a slice of lemon.

Fortunately, Queen Elizabeth II isn’t stingy when it comes to sharing her love of bubbly. To celebrate the birth of Prince George, she threw a champagne party where all the attendees and the staff were treated to free drinks. And more recently, Queen Elizabeth’s sparkling wine became available for pre-order.

We’ll definitely drink to that. Cheers, everyone!