This is what Princess Moana would look like in real life

Out of all the Disney heroines to ever grace us with their presence, Princess Moana might be our favorite. She’s a fierce feminist with an unstoppable determination to save the people she loves most — and now we know what our beloved Princess Moana would look like in real life, thanks to digital artist and illustrator Jirka Väätäinen.

Väätäinen is famous for turning our favorite animated Disney princesses into human women before our very eyes. He said he’s gotten “so many requests” to turn Moana into a real life person, so that’s precisely what he’s done. And we’re forever in his debt.

If we were to dream up Moana in our heads, that’s exactly how she would turn out. She has long, dark, curly hair and bold eyebrows, with a gorgeous skin complexion that doesn’t need any makeup whatsoever. She also looks like she would be really strong and athletic if you saw her moving around in real life.

"So many requests for this one – and I finally found some time give her a go! So without further ado, here is my take on #Moana," Väätäinen wrote.

Isn’t she beautiful? We’d love to meet this Moana in real life and give her a great, big hug.

This certainly isn’t the first time Väätäinen has brought iconic animated characters to life. Here’s his take on Cruella de Vil.

Take a look at Princess Anastasia, too.

Here’s real life Ariel for your viewing pleasure. (That hair, though.)

And just in time for the live action release of Beauty and the Beast, Väätäinen gave us the beautiful gift of real-life Belle, and she’s lovely.

We doubt Moana will be the last princess to come to life with Väätäinen’s magic touch, and we can’t wait to see what he’s got up his sleeve next.

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