Prince Harry’s Alleged First Lover Says He Ruined Her Privacy By Publishing ‘Spare’

"It flared up because of the way Harry has written it," Sasha Walpole said of her time with the Duke of Sussex.

What happens in a grassy field behind a busy pub, doesn’t stay in a grassy field behind a busy pub. After sharing her side of the story earlier this week, Sasha Walpole is claiming her privacy has been breached following the publication of Spare, in which Prince Harry explicitly details the time she swiped his v-card in 2001.

According to his memoir, Harry and Walpole engaged in a bit of drunk sex back when they were teenagers. Though she understood it to be a one-time, steamy moment between two friends, Harry seemingly attributes a higher value of sentiment to their time together. After all, it was his first.

He writes: “She liked horses, quite a lot, and treated me not unlike a young stallion. Quick ride, after which she’d smacked my rump and sent me to grace.”

Walpole, a former stable girl for then-Prince Charles, later confirmed that the “inglorious episode” happened on the night of her 19th birthday party. In a new interview with The Sun, Walpole describes Spare as a “ticking time bomb” that forced her to publicly out herself as Harry’s former lover before someone else did.

“I don’t understand why he went into such detail. He could have said that he lost his ­virginity and left it at that,” the 40-year-old married mother of two said. “He has done this to my privacy because I was going to keep my head down and not talk about it.”

Had Harry left out details or dramatized the story so it couldn’t be tied back to her, Walpole said, then “none of this would be happening.”

Walpole, who has only told her sister and a few friends about Harry, said he used “really cringey” descriptors when writing about their romp. The horse metaphors, she concluded, were another way for the Duke of Sussex to secretly tie the virginity story to her, given her stable background for the royal family.

“It is awkward because of what Harry has written about me slapping his bum, really cringey. It flared up because of the way Harry has written it. That is why I am in this situation,” she told the outlet. “Harry has put it out there.”

RELATED: Prince Harry’s Alleged First Lover Speaks Out About Their “Quick Romp”

Even more awkward is the revelation that going public with her story meant she would first have to tell her father.

“He didn’t react. Normally dad would give his advice,” Walpole said. Luckily, her mom was able to help intervene the conversation; but Walpole said that didn’t make it any easier when her dad had to read about her “quick romp” with Harry in the news.

“My parents’ concern is for my safety. They just want me to be OK,” she said.

Despite being thrusted in the spotlight, Walpole still wishes the Duke of Sussex all the best.

When asked if she would meet up with Harry for old time’s sake, she responded: “If Harry contacted me I would say, ‘Let’s go for a drink for old time’s sake. But not in The Vine Tree!’ We could catch up on the last 21 years.”

“I would like to laugh with him about that mad night,” she added.

Though Walpole’s answer is genuine, she does hope this narrative of her being Harry’s first-ever lover will die down sooner rather than later.

Fans can pick up a copy of Spare wherever books are sold.

Emily Weaver
Emily is a NYC-based freelance entertainment and lifestyle writer — though, she’ll never pass up the opportunity to talk about women’s health and sports (she thrives during the Olympics). Read more