Prince Harry stands around like a literal male model (while also doing something awesome for his community)
There’s no debating that he’s blessed with insanely good looks, but when Prince Harry visited the Help for Heroes center, which is an organization set up for British men and women coming back from war, he literally resembled an off-duty male model.
Because no matter where he is or who he’s engaging with, there’s just something about this guy!
Not to mention the fact that he’s utterly charming. Or how endearing and genuinely relatable he becomes when sharing his own experiences with mental health to those in need (like when he recently opened up about how a “dark sense of humor” guided him through some rough patches).
See what me mean?! And what’s that you say? Another pic? But a closeup? WISH: GRANTED.
And he genuinely shared some very important, compassionate advice:
"Getting back your mental as well as your physical fitness is a really important thing. One of the biggest struggles is accepting that there is a problem in the first place."
Prince Harry has been working with his brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Will and Kate!), to spread much needed awareness about mental health, and they even plan to begin work on a documentary on the subject.
We absolutely love it when those with an actual public voice use their platform to help others who don’t, so we’re sending a ton of gratitude Harry’s way.
Oh, and let’s get one more look at him…you know, for the road.
What a guy.
H/T: Woman’s Day