This “Pretty Girls Making Ugly Faces” subreddit is our new favorite thing

Posing in pictures where we look all nice and dainty is great, but sometimes it’s even better to unleash our goofy side. Speaking of which, we just found the BEST subreddit which entails posts from ladies sharing side by side “pretty” versus “ugly” faces of themselves (of course, no face is ugly — beauty is in the eye of the beholder, guys. The thread should more appropriately be called “regular” versus “incredibly whacky” faces…but we get that it wouldn’t have quite the same ring).

And tons of people have been uploading split-screen photos of themselves posing ‘normally’ on one side, and then doing something goofy on the other. It’s downright trendy!

Our faces are expressive tools, so why not explore their full potential?!

Okay. Are you ready? Here we go.

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In an age of curated Insta feeds and duck lips, it is just SO REFRESHING to see ladies get goofy with their selfies and HAVE FUN. There’s no pressure to look a certain way and no need to conform to society’s definition of feminine beauty. Go, girls!


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We love that so many women have contributed to this thread — it shows that so many of us are ready to be free of the illusion of “perfection” that social media so often perpetuates. This looks downright therapeutic!

What, you want to see a few more? Well, okay.

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Now, excuse us while we go take a million funny-face pictures with our friends. Hey, it’ll help get us through hump day! (AKA the Wednesday blues). You know the drill.

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