President Obama has no problems with his daughters dating and it’s for the best reason

When you’re the daughters of the President of the United States, dating will always be a challenge. That’s certainly the case for Malia and Sasha Obama, but their dad isn’t the challenge. It’s the opposite — President Obama feels bad for the boys who try to date his daughters.
Because for the boys, picking their dates up at the White House probably isn’t exactly normal protocol.
Malia and Sasha are 18 and 15, which makes them old enough to date, and their dad is actually cool with it. In fact, they’ve already been out on dates.
"That happened, you know?" he told a North Carolina radio station on Friday. "The truth is, I'm pretty relaxed about it for two reasons. One is [their mom] Michelle. She's taught — she's such a great example of how she carries herself, her self-esteem, not depending on boys to validate how you look or you know, not letting yourself be judged by anything other than your character and intelligence. And hopefully I've been a good example in terms of how I've shown respect to my wife. So I don't worry about it because they're really solid, smart girls — young ladies now."
OK, so he’s obviously the perfect dad — the perfect dad who feels totally confident that his daughters are under watchful eyes. It’s great that he realizes that having a strong mother and a respectful, responsible dad enables his daughters to make good choices about any potential suitors.
Of course, there can be two reasons…
"The other reason is because they've had Secret Service. There's only so much these guys can do. These poor young men come by my house and…."
"They have no idea—" the radio host interrupted.
"No, they have an idea. I describe for them…." Obama laughed.
In the meantime, he definitely just scared off countless hopeful young suitors, which was perhaps his secret intention after all (though we’re sure he’s kidding.) Still, though, President Obama wins dad of the year — although we have a feeling Malia and Sasha might disagree after that interview.