The most moving moments from the premiere of ‘I Am Cait’

We have a new favorite show and it is I Am Cait. Last night’s premiere of the eight-part doc-series was a triumph.

Here are our favorite (re: feeling-ALL-the-feelings) moments from the premiere:

Her 4:30 A.M. confessional

We open with Caitlyn at 4:30 A.M doing a video diary. She’s bare-faced and she’s laying herself bare.

“It’s like, 4:32 in the morning – and I can’t sleep. Am I going to do everything right? Am I going to say the right things? Do I project the right image? My mind’s just spinning with thoughts. I just hope I get it right. I hope I get it right.”

When Kylie Jenner meets Cait for the first time over FaceTime

So, let’s set this one up. Kylie’s at the dentist and, in her own words, she’s “a little loopy,” and she FaceTimes Caitlyn, who picks up, surprised (Kylie’s has not seen her parent present as a woman prior to this moment).

“I don’t want to scare you,” Caitlyn says when she picks up the phone.

“You’re not scaring me,” Kylie replied. “You look pretty!”

It’s a beautiful moment and one we’re grateful to have aired on national television,

When Kylie meets Cait for the first time IRL

When Kylie meets Cait in person, she greets her with a hug, a “Hey pretty!” and teal extensions that match her own AND she helps Caitlyn put in the mermaid hair. We love “Pretty” as a nickname a daughter bestows upon her parent and we had no idea extensions could make us weep uncontrollably into our couch pillows.

Caitlyn opens up about her insecurities re: her family

“Even Kylie coming over today – you never know, when they get away from here and they go home they go ‘Oh my god, that is strange,’ ” Caitlyn explains to the camera at one point. “Khloé hasn’t been here. Kourtney hasn’t been here and hasn’t met Caitlyn. Rob. Maybe them not being around is, you know, kind of their way of saying ‘I don’t really agree with this or what.’ ”

The major-feels Kanye cameo

I know you never thought you’d read the phrase “major-feels Kanye cameo,” I never thought I’d be TYPING those words, but the world= mysterious place.

“Kanye and I have never really been very close,” Caitlyn told the camera. “But I love his open-mindedness and I love how he’s helped Kim come to grips with what’s going on.”

Later, when Kim and Kanye visit, Kanye proves his open-mindedness in a manner most Kanye.

“You couldn’t have been up against more,” West tells Cait. “Your daughter’s a supermodel. You’re a celebrity at every type of thing and it was still like, ‘F-ck everyone, this is who I am.’”

Kisses and hugs, Kanye, kisses and hugs.

Caitlyn’s advice to trans youth

Caitlyn visits family and friends of a trans teen who tragically committed suicide and has some empowering advice for the teens in attendance and the trans youth watching at home. “Hang out with the people that love and respect you,” she tells them. And then she shares the most perfect and true affirmation, “We’re all beautiful!”


Caitlyn Jenner, on conquering her biggest fear

Laverne Cox, on what really matters about Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover

(Images via E!)

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