It’s official: this is the most popular Thanksgiving food
Which side dish are you most looking forward to on your plate this Thanksgiving? Candied yams? Green bean casserole? Garlic mashed potatoes? Now we’re just making ourselves hungry.
What Americans are requesting for their 2015 Thanksgiving dinner is a dish not normally associated with the holiday: mac ‘n cheese. The gooey, delish dish is what 50% of Americans would like to see on the table this year, according to a survey conducted by Country Crock (via Delish), while 47% would like to nix old favorites they feel are played out like green bean casserole and squash.
We totally get it with the mac ‘n cheese love, especially if you dress it up with a selection of fancy cheeses and add some unexpected flavors, like artichokes or bacon. Yum!
Just the same, we’d like to keep our old favorites on the table too. But it seems a whole lot of millennials would disagree! In another survey conducted in October, 74% of them said pasta (the food family macaroni belongs to) is the ideal food to share with family and friends. Oh, and searches for “Thanksgiving pasta dishes” have risen 150% in the last three years, as millennials take on the cooking duties.
If you’re looking for some unique takes on popular Thanksgiving eats, we rounded up some rad recipes you can bring to your family’s dinner table on Thursday. Everything from chorizo tortilla chip stuffing to vegan pie, we’re got you covered. Oh, and you can also whip up some of these spiced-up mac ‘n cheese recipes if you’re also on the mac ‘n cheese train. All of it sounds pretty good to us.
(Images via iStock, giphy)