You’ll never guess what the most popular Halloween candy in the U.S. is

When you were a kid and went trick-or-treating (and hey, if you still do, that’s cool too!), what was the type of candy you were most stoked to get? Was it Reese’s cups? What about Snickers? Or maybe even those weird coconut chocolate things called Mounds?

Well, if you got stoked on Kit Kat bars (and/or still do), you’re right up there with the majority of the United States, because the chocolate covered wafers have just been declared the most popular Halloween candy in the U.S.!

Delish actually teamed up with the people at PeaPod, an online grocery service whose slogan is “Shop anytime, anywhere,” and found out that people actually prefer snack-sized Kit Kat bars over any other Halloween candy!

Seriously, Kit Kats are the perfect way to take care of your chocolate craving. Also, this is probably a good time to mention that whole video of Kourtney Kardashian strangely eating a Kit Kat in 6-steps that went absolutely VIRAL.

LOL! Kind of strange, kind of awesome if you ask us!

With Halloween right around the corner, it might be a good idea to stock up on these babies before they’re all gone — after all, you can’t expect the most popular candy to not be flying off the shelves!
