These pop-up wall lamps turn into animals when you switch them on, and we want them all, please

Have you ever wanted to live inside a popup book? Us, too. Now we kind of can, with these gorgeous light fixtures that turn into animals when you switch them on. If we have to grow up, at least we can do so magically.

Created by Tel Aviv-based designer Chen Bikovski, these origami-esque wall lamps pool light into shapes that complete the fixture’s form. What looks like it may just be an angular tear-drop becomes a peacock when light floods through it.

Named ‘Promising Young Designer of 2012,’ Chen says she was inspired by her childhood memories to create the popup lighting./ The fixtures definitely bring the fantasy forests of our youth to life.


“Since I was a child, I was fascinated by Pop-up books,” writes Bikovski on her website. “Each time I flipped a page I was sent down the rabbit hole, and just like Alice in Wonderland, I discovered a new fantasy world hidden in the ordinary looking book – the surprise making the magic all the more real.”



“The idea behind Popup Lighting was to create a permanent light fixture that would bring a magical ambiance to any space. A multi-dimensional light that would inspire the senses and ignite the imagination.”

Available on Amazon, the lamps cost $65 for the cardboard version, up to $250 for aluminium.


Offered in an array of soft colors like gold, pink, blue, silver, white and black, they make us think of the winter wonderland we always want to wake up in.

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